About Me

Zhou Qin is an Applied Scientist at Amazon. Previously, he obtained his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science Department of Rutgers University, under the supervision of Prof. Desheng Zhang. He also obtained his bachelor degree of Electrical and Electronic Engineering from Harbin Institute of Technology (# 2 worldwide USNews). His research interests include data-driven investigations by machine learning and data mining in urban computing and e-commerce settings, e.g., large-scale data and applications such as user behaviors modeling, time series prediction, ranking by reinforcement learning, and anomaly detection.

Selected Projects

Cellular networks with signaling log and user subscription data. (CellPred, MIFF, EXIMIUS, HERMAS)

Nation-scale mobile bus WiFi system with diverse log data. (MIMU, Edge)

SCC-IRG Track 2: Making Micromobility Smarter and Safer (M2S2). (NSF)

S&AS: FND: COLLAB: Adaptable Vehicular Sensing and Control for Fleet-Oriented Systems in Smart Cities. (NSF)

Real-time automated anomaly detection for IoT data. (Nokia Bell Labs)

Page template optimization by deep bandits and deep reinforcement learning solutions. (Amazon Search)

Academic Services

Journal Reviewer: IEEE Communications Letters (2020), IEEE TMC (2020), IEEE Internet of Things Journal (2019), ACM TCPS (2018), ACM TOSN (2019)

Conference Reviewer: MobiQuitous 2020, AACL 2020, SmartCom 2020, UbiComp 2020 & 2019, DCOSS 2020, VTC2019, ICPADS 2019, ICCPS 2018, SenSys 2018, ICCCN 2018, SECON 2018, EWSN 2017


Teaching Assistant: CS205 Introduction to Discrete Structure I ('17 Fall, '18 Summer, '19 Summer, '19 Fall); CS211 Computer Architecture ('18 Fall, '19 Spring); CS314 Principles of Programming Languages ('18 Spring); CS336 Principles of Information and Data Management ('20 Spring)


KDD'20 Student Registration Award

SenSys'18 Student Travel Grant

Rutgers University Fellowship ('17, '18)

Honorable Mention of Mathematical Contest in Modeling ('11)

National Scholarship of China ('11)

People's Scholarship Awards of Harbin Institute of Technology ('11)

Outstanding Leader of Harbin Institute of Technology (1/1021) ('11)